Ann Hebert Net Worth and Other Information


Net Worth $20 million
Real Name Ann Hebert
Nationality American
Place of Birth United States
Gender Female
Profession Entrepreneur, Politician
Age No Info
Marital Status Married
Son Joe Herbert
Partner Pascal Herbert


Ann Hebert has gained the attention of the public since her sudden resignation from Nike Sportswear. Ann Hebert net worth is something that interests the populace judging from where she has worked for up to 25 years. People are still wondering about the cause of her sudden departure from this prestigious company, it is still a puzzle that has not been solved. Let’s take a quick look at Ann Hebert biography. Ann Margret is a Swedish American Actress, dancer, and singer. She has an estimated net worth of $20 million.

Ann Hebert Net Worth

We will calculate Ann Hebert net worth using her salary algorithm. It is important to note that a person’s actual net worth can not be gotten only an estimate can be given. According to the information from Glassdoor, a Nike vice president’s average salary yearly is around $519,000.

Ann Herbert net worth

Ann Hebert Biography

Ann Hebert is a politician and an executive at Nike Sportswear. Ann Hebert has been an employee at Nike Sportswear for over 25 years from June 1995 to March 2021. She became the vice president and general manager of Nike Sportswear for North America. This fact was announced by Heidi around June 2020.

Ann Hebert was born in North America and she has lived there ever since. She also ventured a little into politics and with the look of things, it seems she has the ambition of holding a governmental post.

Ann Herbert Net Worth

Ann Hebert Husband

Are you wondering f Ann Hebert ever got married or has a boyfriend? You might simply just want to have the information not because it adds any worth. Well, here’s it. Ann Hebert is married to Pascal Herbert and they both have a wonderful, charming son.

Ann Herbert Public Reaction

A public figure; Justin Lacche(M.B.A, P.M.P) has described Ann Herbert in many words especially when she was still with Nike Sportswear. Here’s a little excerpt of his description:

“Ann Hebert is one of the excellent strategic on-looking leaders at Nike Sportswear”. He went further by saying that Ann Hebert’s administrative capacity of supporting her team leads it to success, which is inspiring and uplifting. Justin mentioned that he belongs to the group of dozens of Nike employees who have had it better because he had a coach and mentor like Ann Hebert.


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